Marks distribution: Total marks – 500

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written Formative Assessment 20 200
MCQ (Single Best Answer + Multiple True or False) 40
Structured Answer Question (SAQ) & Structured Essay Question (SEQ) 140
SOE Structured Oral Examination (Paper 1 = 60 + Paper 2 = 20 + 20 = 40) 100 100
Clinical Clinical(Short Case & Long Case) 100 100
Practical Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)  /

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

(Paper 1= 60 +  Paper 2 = 20 + 20 = 40)

100 100
Grand Total in Surgery and allied 500

Course Contents in Surgery


Phase II

  •  History, evolution, and scope of surgery
  • Approach to a surgical patient
  • Surgical diagnostic process and techniques
  • Surgical Infection (Boil, Furuncle, Abscess, Carbuncle, cellulitis)
  • Septicemia (causes, complications and treatment)
  • Sinus, Fistula and cysts
  • Wounds (classification and management)
  • Ulcers, pressure sores
  • Groin hernias
  • Hemorrhage
  • Shock Phase III
  • Metabolic response to injury
  • Principles of Management of Trauma
  • Management of a severely injured patient
  • Fluid and electrolytes balance
  • Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Phase IV
  • Pre-operative assessment and preparation
  • Tumors of skin
  • Lymphadenopathy (causes, investigations, diagnosis, biopsy)
  • Surgical ethics



Organ transplantation, Robotics in surgery


Phase II

  • Complications of Peptic ulcer (Perforation, Pyloric stenosis)
  • Upper G.I. Tract bleeding
  • Appendicitis
  • Intestinal obstruction


Phase III

  • Abdominal trauma (Diagnostic and Management principles)
  • Ruptured Spleen
  • Ruptured liver
  • Ruptured intestine

Phase IV

  • Tongue, Lip & other oral lesions (ulcer, cancer)
  • Oesophagus
  • Carcinoma esophagus and stricture
  • Carcinoma stomach Neoplasm of colon and rectum
  • Intestinal tuberculosis
  • Anal canal Hemorrhoids, Fistula, Sinus & Fissure, Carcinoma anus
  • Colostomy & ileostomy (indications and management)
  • Abdominal incisions (Tutorial)


  • Intra-abdominal abscess
  • Diseases of salivary glands
  • Hiatus hernia


Phase III

  • Urinary symptoms & definitions
  • Urological investigations and their interpretations,
  • Developmental Genito-urinary anomalies

Scrotal swelling

  • Hydrocele
  • Scrotal cellulitis

Acute scrotal conditions

  • Epididymis- orchitis
  • Torsion testis

Phase IV

  • Urolithiasis (Causes, Diagnosis, Principles, and modalities of treatment)
  • Retention of urine (acute and chronic)
  • Hydronephrosis
  • UTI

Urinary tract injury

  • Renal injury
  • Urethral injury

Renal Neoplasm

  • RCC
  • Wilm’s Tumor

Testicular Tumour

  • BPH
  • Stricture urethra


  • Male infertility
  • Minimal Invasive Surgery in Urology


Phase II

  • Cholelithiasis (causes and complications)
  • Cholecystitis (acute & chronic)
  • Pancreatitis (acute pancreatitis)

Phase IV

  • Obstructive jaundice
  • Pancreatic tumors
  • Liver abscess


  • Hepatic neoplasm
  • Cysts of liver
  • Neoplasm of Gall Bladder


Phase IV


Goiter and Neoplasms of the thyroid


Breast pain, Mastitis, and Breast Abscess Fibro-adenosis and Fibroadenoma Carcinoma of the breast


  • Diseases of the adrenal gland
  • Diseases of the Parathyroid gland



Phase IV

  • Chest injury (Hemothorax, Pneumothorax)
  • Chest tumors, Chest drain


  • Dysphagia
  • Empyema thoracic


Phase III

Vaso occlusive disorders Atherosclerosis, Buerger’s disease Varicose vein Thrombophlebitis Deep vein thrombosis



Pulmonary embolism

Angioplasty, CABG, and cardiac surgery



Phase IV

Burn (Causes, complications, and management) Skin grafting Skin tumors, Special area burn, Inhalation, and electric burn.


Phase IV

  • Head injury
  • PLID Paraplegia/hemiplegia


  • Hydro Cephalus
  • Tumors of brain
  • Tumors of spinal cord


Phase III

  • Principles of Asepsis & Antisepsis
  • Pre-operative assessment & preparation
  • Venus’s access
  • Circumcision
  • Operation for hydrocele Repair of D.U perforation
  • Wound care


Universal precautions (Scrubbing, gloving & gowning) O.T. environment & behavior Preoperative skin preparation and draping Suturing materials, Stitches

Phase IV

  • Common Abdominal incision
  • Operation for inguinal hernia
  • Drainage of abscesses
  • Catheterization, Supra-pubic cystostomy
  • Anastomosis
  • Appendicectomy
  • Cholecystectomy
  • Gastrojejunostomy
  • Basic principles of Laparoscopy


  • Thyroidectomy, Nephrectomy, Mastectomy / Prostatectomy


Phase III

General Orthopedics

  • Introduction to orthopedics
  • Hard tissue trauma: –
  • Fracture classification
  • Principal of management of open and closed facture
  • Fracture healing –nonunion, malunion, delayed union
  • Infection of bone (Acute and chronic osteomyelitis)

Phase III

Regional orthopedics

  • Upper limb
  • Colles’ fracture Supracondylar fracture
  • Clavicle fracture
  • Radius Ulna fracture (Shaft)
  • Homarus fracture (Shaft)
  • Lower limb
  • Fracture of Shaft of femur
  • Fracture of Tibia fibula

Phase IV

Regional Orthopedics

  • Upper Limb Hand injuries and Hand Infection
  • Lower Limb Fracture of Neck of femur Fracture of Pelvis Ankle and foot injuries Amputations
  •  Additional

Dislocation – Hip, Hemarthrosis

  • Soft tissue trauma (muscle and tendon injuries, compartmental syndrome)
  • Infection of joint including osteoarticular tuberculosis
  • Mass Casualty- ATLS, Disaster management
  • Bone tuberculosis


  •  Dislocation of shoulder and elbow
  • Pediatric orthopedics: Congenital anomalies-talipes, DDH, Bow legs, Polydactyly, Claw
  • Bone tumors: Classification of bone tumor Common benign and malignant bone tumor – osteochondroma, Giant cell tumor, Osteosarcoma, Metastatic bone tumor

Vertebral fracture – (primary management, transportation. Principles of definitive management)


  • Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis, bursitis

Phase III


  • Anesthesia as a subject: its scope, outline- present & future
  • Anesthesia Pharmacology: Drugs: induction, maintenance, muscle relaxants
  • Intra-operative management
  • Post-operative management and complication
  • General GAnes (G.A)
  • Local/Regional anesthesia
  • Management of Pain (chronic)
  •  Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • Basic life support
  • Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Exposure to practical procedures (Tutorial)

  • Pre-operative assessment
  • Induction
  • Endo tracheal Intubation
  • CV line
  • Artificial ventilation
  • Face mask ventilation
  • Recovery room experience


Phase IV

  • Introduction of radiology & imaging including CT & MRI
  • Hazards of radiation and protection for personals, and patients
  • Principles of ultra-sonography & its clinical application
  • Plain & contrast X-Rays
  • Interventional imaging
  • USG


  • Normal and pathological image
  • Pneumonic and Tuberculous consolidation
  • Pleural effusion
  • Pneumo Thorax


  • Lung abscess
  • Mediastinal mass



  • Plain X-ray findings of Acute abdomen
  • Indications & contraindications for barium studies. Hepatobiliary system Cholangiogram & ERCP
  • USG of HBS and Pancreas




  • Diagnosis of common fractures of upper and lower limb
  • skull fractures
  • Spinal fractures and caries spine
  • Acute osteomyelitis
  • common bone tumors
  • diseases of joints
  • dislocations


  • X-ray KUB & IVU
  • USG of Kidney, Ureter, Bladder and prostate

Phase IV


Introduction to Radiotherapy

Radiation oncology, basic principles and practices

  • Aims of radiation oncology
  • Sources of radiation, Isotopes and their mechanism of action
  • Curative/Palliative radiotherapy
  • Radiosensitivity, radio resistance, radio curability and normal tissue tolerance
  • Common radiation reactions and management

Medical oncology, basic principles and practice

  • Cell cycle and Mechanism of action of cytotoxic drugs
  • Clinical aspect of cancer chemotherapy
  • Complications of chemotherapy (Infection and bleeding tendency)
  • Chemotherapy of common cancers,
  • Common Chemotherapeutic regimes

Prevention of common cancer

  • Primary prevention, Secondary prevention
  • Early diagnosis
  • Referral to appropriate center

Palliative support and terminal care

  • Follow-up of cancer patients and terminal care

Nuclear Medicine, basic Principles and practice

  • Radio-isotope in diagnosis
  • Radio-isotope in therapy


Phase III

  • Examination of a child and neonate (Special considerations)
  • Infantile Inguino scrotal swellings
  • Acute abdomen in infants & children
  • Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Phase IV

  • Neonatal/Infantile intestinal obstruction
  • Intussusception
  • Anorectal malformations
  • Maldescended Testis
  • Torsion Testis
  • Haemangioma and other Cutaneous lesions
  • Child-hood tumours
  • Rectal bleeding and prolapsed rectum


  • Cystic hygroma, Branchial fistula
  • Phimosis/balanitis
  • Paraphimosis
  • Phimosis/balanitis
  • Paraphimosis