Marks distribution: Total marks – 300

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written MCQ (50% Single Best Answer + 50% Multiple True or False) 20 100
Structured Essay Question (SEQ) 20
Short Answer Question (SAQ) 50
Formative Assessment (FA) 10
SOE Structured Oral Examination 100 100
Practical 50 50
OSPE Objective Structured Practical Examination 40 40
Others PM report, Injury certificate & Practical assignment 10 10
Grand Total

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 01: Introduction to Forensic Medicine and Recent advances in Forensic Medicine


  • Introduction to Forensic Medicine& its subdivision; medical jurisprudence
  • Recent advances in Forensic Medicine
  • Emerging issues in sex verification and disorder of sex development (DSD)
  • Medico-legal issues in consent
  • Euthanasia: legal, social and humanitarian aspect
  • Legal and ethical issues in medical records
  • Legal issues in End life care & palliative care
  • Age of child: legal perspective
  • Analytic and Clinical toxicology
  • Mass disaster: Introduction, effect, management strategies, disaster victim identification (DVI)
  • Sports medicine (type, mechanism, management, and prevention of sports injuries)
  • Forensic science
  • Trace evidence (blood stain, blood group, hair, semen)
  • DNA Profiling


  • Forensic science
  • criminalistics
  • crime scene investigation
  • forensic lab
  • Cybercrime, Basics of ICT
  • History and landmarks of Forensic medicine
  • HLA typing and Bioinformatics


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 02: Legal aspect (Legal structure; court procedure)

  • Legal Structure(courts) of Bangladesh and Their Jurisdiction


  • Supreme Court, High Court, Sessions Court, Additional Sessions Court, Magistrates Court, Metropolitan Magistracy
  • Sentence
  • Medico-legal system of Bangladesh; coroners system; Medical examiners system; continental Medico-legal Systems

Legal (Court) Procedures

  • Summons: definition, duties
  • Evidence, perjury, deposition, parts of deposition, procedure of recording evidence, court questions
  • Witness, types of witness, conduct of doctor in witness box
  • Legal provision related for medical practice
  • Medical certification and Medico-legal reports including dying declaration and medical documentary evidence


  • The Penal code; CrPc, Evidence act, Organ transplant act, Consumers protection act; MTP act; Workmen’s compensation act
  • Legal terminology applicable in court procedure


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 3: Medical Jurisprudence (Medical ethics)


Medical ethics

  • WMA declaration
  • Geneva declaration
  • International Code of medical ethics
  • BMDC: Bangladesh Medical &Dental Council (BMDC), its constituents, functions and disciplinary control. a professional death sentence
  • Right & privilege, Duties
  • Rights and privileges of a doctor
  • Rights of patients
  • Duties of a medical practitioner toward patients & society, Professional secrecy & privileged communication
  • Doctor-patient relationship; Component; Skills
  • Fairness and Equity; Specific Health Issues; Jargon in the field of medical ethics
  • Code of Medical ethic of BMDC
  • Malpractice
  • Ethical malpractice: Professional Infamous conduct
  • Professional (Medical) Malpractice: civil and criminal Negligence
  • Precautions, prevention & defenses against professional negligence
  • Vicarious liability, Contributory negligence, corporate negligence; Res ipsa loquitor Novus actus interne
  • Medical maloccurance; Product liability
  • Applied ethics and research ethics
  • Soft skill and humanities; End-of-life care; palliative care


  • Code and law of medical ethics, its history
  • Tokyo Declaration 1975, Helsinki Declaration. Other important WMA declaration
  • Ethical review board. Procedure of ethical review in a research proposal. Dealing with ethical dilemmas and conflicts
  • Organ Transplant Act. MTP Act. Consumers Protection Act
  • Legal provision related to medical practice


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 4: Forensic Pathology



  • Definition, Type, prerequisite, objective
  • Procedure: external, internal (opening body cavity, 3rd incision, removal of viscera, internal exam) and laboratory procedure; Report writing; opinion
  • Collection and dispatch of specimen
  • Inquest report: definition, type, content, magistrate inquest
  • Modern morgue
  • Exhumation: definition, procedure; importance; 2 nd autopsy
  • Forensic anthropology: Post Mortem exam of mutilated and skeletal remains


  • Virtual autopsy procedure, Academic autopsy
  • Special Autopsy & disposal of radioactive corpse
  • Recommendation of autopsy as per Human Rights Commission
  • Clinical autopsy: Legal formalities, Procedure; Precaution; Importance
  • Methods of preserving a dead body



  • Mood and manner of death (natural/ unnatural)
  • Asphyxia; syncope; coma
  • PM changes after death
  • Immediate
  • Early change: skin change, eye change, cooling of body, hypostasis, rigor mortis
  • Late change: putrefaction, adipocere formation, and mummification
  • Post-mortem artifacts: Resuscitative artifact, agonal artifact, and postmortem artifact
  • Sudden death
  • Custodial death
  • Anesthetic and operative deaths


  • Radioactive carbon(C14) estimation
  • Forensic entomology
  • Death due to occupational and environmental hazards
  • Dead body management & handling in disaster



  • definition, legal bearing, cause of death, and mode of death
  • Dead born (def, Spalding sign, maceration)
  • Live born
  • Still born


  • Precipitated labor
  • Cot death, SIDS, feticide
  • Death due to neglect


Violent asphyxial death

  • Hanging: def, types, cause of death, mechanism of death, PM finding, ML imp
  • Strangulation: definition, type, throatling, ligature strangulation, cause of death, PM finding, ML imp
  • Drowning: Definition, types, pathophysiology, PM findings, cause of death, ML imp
  • Suffocation: smothering, choking, and gagging



Transportation wound

  • Trauma in RTA; cause, preventive device (helmet, seat belt syndrome)
  • Injuries sustained by pedestrians; drivers, motorcyclists; and passengers; Crush syndrome
  • Objectives of autopsy in traffic wounds

Firearm and explosives

  • Firearms, cartridge composition, firearm injuries (entry and exit) according to range, medico-legal aspect
  • The bomb blast and explosion
  • Electrocution and lightning
  • Autopsy (mass disaster) protocol


  • Transportation: Trauma in Railway disaster; River traffic, Air crush


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 5: Clinical Forensic Medicine


  • Basic of death: definition, type, ML imp of somatic death; signs of death; cause manner, mechanism of death;
    Brain death: types, signs, diagnostic criteria Declaration of death. Ø   Suspended animation; presumption of death
  • Declaration of death
  • Suspended animation; presumption of death


  • Medico-legal aspect: injury wound, hurt, battery; grievous hurt; cause of death due to wound; homicide; defense wound; fabricated wound
  • Mechanical wound: abrasion, bruise, laceration, incised wound, and puncture wound

Regional injury

  • Head injury: Scalp, skull fracture, Intra cranial hemorrhage, brain injuries
  • whiplash injury.Crush syndrome
  • Domestic Violence: Battered Baby syndrome (BBS); Munchausen syndrome; violence against women
  • Thermal injury: Heat (Burn scald) and cold
  • Torture
  • Neglect and starvation

Domestic Violence

  • Battered Baby syndrom(BBS); Munchausen syndrome; violence against women


  • Chest injury, abdominal injury, genital injury, and extremity injury


Forensic aspect of sex

  • Medico-legal aspects related to marriage
  • Impotency, sterility; Medico-legal aspect
  • Legitimacy; Paternity and maternity
  • Hymen: Type, cause of rupture; medico-legal aspect
  • Virginity and defloration

Sexual offences

  • Natural: Rape, Adultery, Incest
  • Unnatural: sodomy, Lesbianism, Buccal coitus, Bestiality
  • Investigations: collection & dispatch of specimen (HVS, stain, hair, blood); radiology

Medico-legal report preparation: Impotency, fixation of paternity & maternity, report on sexual violence; rape

Sexual perversions: sadism, masochism, voyeurism, necrophilia, necrophage


  • Psychosexual instinct
  • legal provisions related


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 6: Identification



  • Definition, types, objectives, and method of identification
  • Identification traits; Identity of living persons & dead bodies
  • Race, religion, sex
  • Age: medico-legal importance; estimation of age
  • Tattoo, scar, stature, mole, birthmark
  • Stature, occupational marks
  • Trace Evidence
  • Forensic Dactylography
  • Forensic Radiology: introduction, scope, and medicolegal issues
  • Forensic Odontology: introduction, scope, and forensic issues
  • Bite marks; Modern technologies used in the identification
  • Identification of mass death & examination of human remains


  • X-ray identification
  • Superimposition. Lip print
  • Brain fingerprinting
  • Lie detector
  • Biometrics; retina scan, Iris scan
  • Forensic Voice analysis
  • Questioned document examination
  • Forensic ballistic


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 7: Forensic aspect of reproduction

Forensic aspect reproduction

  • Artificial insemination and other artificial methods of conception with medico-legal implications (IVF,cloning)
  • Surrogated mother & baby
  • Pregnancy: Medico-legal importance; Signs of pregnancy& duration. PM finding of pregnancy
  • Delivery: signs of recent & remote delivery in living & dead
  • Abortion: types, methods, complication, management duties of a medical practitioner
  • Indication of therapeutic abortion. Spontaneous, Artificial (justifiable and criminal abortion)


  • Feticide and viability; IUF death
  • MTP act
  • Infertility & its medico-legal issues; Invitro Fertilization


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 08: Forensic Psychiatry

Forensic Psychiatry


  • Definition of forensic psychiatry. Classification of mental disorder, lucid interval, testamentary capacity
  • Important terms of forensic psychiatry. Elements of forensic psychiatry (psychosis, neurosis, delirium,
    delusion, illusion, hallucination, confabulation, phobia, impulse, etc.)
  • Issues of incompetency to stand trial/event
  • Criminal responsibility of an insane person
  • Personality disorder related to crime
  • Aggressive behavior and medicolegal issues
  • Diminished responsibility
  • Civil and Social Responsibilities
  • Substance abuse affects the mental state
  • True insanity and feigned insanity
  • Rules in relation to forensic psychiatry


  • Mental health act
  • Advances in Forensic Psychiatry
  • Psychosexual instinct


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 09: Forensic Toxicology



General aspects of poisoning

  • Forensic Toxicology. Legal provisions related to Poisons & poisoning
  • The general aspect of toxicology
  • Poisons. Classification of poisons
  • Factors modifying the action of poison
  • Antidote. Principles of Management of acute & chronic poisoning
  • Prevention of domestic poison & therapeutic poison

Specific Poisoning

  • Corrosive poisons: strong acids and alkalis
  • Acetaminophen (paracetamol) poisoning
  • Metallic poisons: Lead, Arsenic, Copper and Mercury
  • Deliriants: Datura, Cannabis
  • Somniferous agents: Opium and its derivatives; Hypnotics- Barbiturate
  • Inebriates: Alcohol, methyl alcohol
  • Petroleum product: Kerosene oil
  • Gaseous poisons: Carbon monoxide, Chlorine, CO2, Cooking gas (methane)
  • Insecticides: Organo-phosphorus comp (OPC) and chloro-compound
  • Snake Bite
  • Drug dependence and drug abuse. Doping
  • Food poisoning
  • Potka fish (Pufferfish)


  • Spinal poison; Cardiac poison; cocaine
  • Organic irritant: ricinuscommunis; ergot; arbusprecatorius; calatropis; cantharides; scorpion
  • Clinical toxicology; Environmental toxicology; Occupational toxicology; Analytic toxicology


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Section 10: Practical



  • Demonstration & observation of ten medico-legal autopsies
  • Observation/examination of intoxicated persons in the ward (Indoor)
  • Flip chart
  • Weapons: Blunt weapons; Cutting weapons; sharp-pointed
  • Dangerous weapon: firearms
  • Forensic photograph
  • Identity: Tattoo; fingerprint; Barr body & Davidsons body
  • Thanatology: Marbling, degloving, demonstration rigor mortis
  • Asphyxia death: Ligature marks; FB in trachea (Choking) Hanging; Strangulation; Partial hanging; smothering;
    sexual asphyxia; traumatic asphyxia; diatoms; drowning
  • Trauma: Hesitation cut; fabricated injury; incised wound; cut-throat wound with hesitation mark; defense wound;
    shotgun injury; pattern abrasion; graze abrasion; contact rifle entry wound; chop wound; pugilistic attitude; soot
    particle in the trachea; Lacerated wound
  • Toxicology specimen(poison)
  • Corrosives: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, carbolic acid; Oxalic acid; Salicylic acid; corrosive alkali
  • Inorganic: lead; copper; Arsenic; Mercury; Phosphorus
  • Organic: chili seeds; Snake
  • Systemic
  • CNS: inebriants (Alcohol; methyl alcohol); deliriants (Dhatura, Cannabis Indica); Poppy (Opium); Nux vomica
  • Insecticides: OPC; Chloro-compound
  • Domestic: kerosene; naphthalene; harpist; salon; Dettol

Exercise: (22yrs)

  • Preparation of certificates on the following Medico-legal situations
  • Prepare 5-10 Injury report
  • Prepare 10 Postmortem reports
  • Prepare a death certificate according to ICD-10 with the recording of the death note
  • Prepare medical (fitness & sickness) certificate; discharge certificate; Birth certificate
  • Prepare a report on Insanity
  • Prepare age estimation report
  • Prepare a report of sexual assault
  • Recoding Dying declaration
  • Examine for estimation of the age of a person
  • Examine the victim of physical assault
  • Examine victims of sexual assault
  • Examine a drunkenness case
  • Management of poisoning case
  • Age estimation from bones by X-rays
  • Assignment



Role play: Drunkenness Infamous conduct



  • The college authority will contact and fix the schedule with a suitable time & date to attend
  • Transport will be provided by the college authority
  • Contents Visit to court. Visit to police station stop Crisis Center (OCC)DNA lab, Forensic lab


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 11: Observation of ten Medico-legal Autopsies


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Section 12: Day visit-06