Marks distribution: Total marks – 500

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written Formative Assessment (10+10 =20 ) 20 200
MCQ [Single Best Answer (20) & Multiple True or False (20) ] 40
Structured Answer Question (50 + 50 = 100) & Structured Essay Question (20+ 20 = 40) 140
SOE Structured Oral Examination 100 100
Clinical 100 100
Practical 100 100
Grand Total 500

Related Equipment/Instrument:

Forceps, Ventouse, Female bony pelvis & dummy fetus, Folley’s catheter, Plain rubber catheter Sponge holding forceps, Alli’s tissue forceps, Artery forceps, Volsellum, Hegar’s dilators, Uterine sound & Curette, Sim’s vaginal speculum, Cusco’s speculum, BP blade with handle, Dissecting forceps, Needle holder, Suture materials, Contraceptives – OCP, progesterone only pill (POP or mini pill), implants (2 rods and 1 rod), Injectable contraceptives (IM and subcutaneous), IUCD, Barrier methods (condoms), IUD and Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP), MR Syringe with Canula


Core contents of Obstetrics
Conception and development of fetoplacental unit

  • Fertilization, implantation, fetoplacental unit, placental barrier
  • Placenta, amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord: Development, structure, and function


Anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy
Diagnosis of pregnancy
Counseling in reproductive health

Antenatal care

  • Counselling
  • Objectives, principles of antenatal care, identification of high-risk pregnancy
  • Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
  • Vomiting in early pregnancy

Normal labor

  • Criteria of normal labor
  • Stages, mechanism of normal labor
  • Diagnosis of labor
  • Management of normal labor
  • Assessment of progress of labor
  • Monitoring maternal and fetal condition
  • Partograph
  • Pain relief

Normal puerperium

  • Anatomical and physiological changes during puerperium
  • Management of normal puerperium
  • Post-partum family planning
  • IYCF — Breastfeeding & Complementary feeding

Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy including pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
Medical disorders in obstetrics

  • Anemia in pregnancy
  • Urinary problems in obstetrics
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Hepatitis

Antepartum hemorrhage

Definitions, classification, clinical features, complications and management

Rh incompatibility
Blood transfusion in Obstetrics
Multiple pregnancies

Definitions and types, clinical features, complications, diagnosis, and principles of management

Malposition and malpresentation

  • Types, causes, diagnosis, complications and management

Abnormalities of labor

  • Prolonged labor: Definition, etiology, diagnosis, complications, management
  • Obstructed labor: Definition, etiology, diagnosis, complications, management

Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH)

Definitions, causes (atonic, traumatic, and others) of PPH, prevention, and management, follow up

Abnormal puerperium

Causes, diagnosis, and management

The newborn

Resuscitation, examination, and care of the newborn

Neonatal problems

  • Birth Asphyxia
  • Jaundice
  • Infection
  • Feeding
  • Other problems of newborn
  • IYCF — Breastfeeding & Complementary feeding


Causes, diagnosis, and management

Obstetric operative procedures

Episiotomy, cesarean section, vacuum and forceps deliveries, version, destructive operations: their indications and complications Steps of operation: Episiotomy, vacuum & forceps delivery

Vital statistics

Maternal morbidity & mortality Perinatal morbidity and mortality Neonatal morbidity & mortality

Diagnostic aids in obstetrics

  • Ultrasonography
  • Basics of ultrasound
  • Role in obstetrics
  • Fetal monitoring- CTG
  • Amniocentesis and other prenatal diagnostic techniques

Social Obstetrics

  • Maternal & perinatal morbidities and mortalities
  • Direct causes of maternal & perinatal morbidity and mortality – Contributing socioeconomic & environmental factors
  • Importance of family planning in the prevention of obstetric problem
  • Strategies for the promotion of maternal health & prevention of illness emphasizing maternal nutrition, hygiene & medical care
  • National programs for MCH&FP, EOC, Combined service delivery

Core contents of Gynecology

Anatomy of the female reproductive organs

  • Basic anatomy of the uterus, ovaries, tubes, vagina, and vulva
  • Relationship of uterus, ovaries, tubes, and vagina to other pelvic organs
  • Developmental anomaly of genital organs

Physiology of reproduction

  • Puberty and its complications, menstruation, ovulation
  • Fertilization and implantation

Bleeding in early pregnancy

  • Abortion: Definition, types, causes, and management of all types of abortion and these complications
  • Ectopic pregnancy: Definition, etiopathology, clinical feature, differential diagnosis and abdomen of acute
    principles of surgical management
  • Trophoblastic tumors
  • Hydatidiform mole: types, clinical features, complications, differential diagnosis, management and follow-up
  • Choriocarcinoma: diagnosis and management, follow-up

Vaginal discharge

Physiological and pathological, Diagnosis and treatment

Menstrual disorder

  • Amenorrhea: Types, causes, and principles of management
  • Menorrhagia: Definition, causes and management
  • Metrorrhagia: Definition, causes, and management
  • Dysmenorrhea: Definition types, causes, and management
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding Definition, PALM-COIN classification, diagnosis, principles of investigation and management

Genital tract infection

  • Defensive mechanism of the genital tract
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases: acute and chronic
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Genital tuberculosis

Urinary incontinence – definition, types

  • Genitourinary fistula:- Types, causes, clinical features, principles of management, prevention

Other genital tract injuries

  • Perineal tear
  • RVF

Genital prolapse

Types, etiology, supports of uterus, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, principles of management, prevention


Definition, types, clinical features, principles of management

Neoplasia of reproductive organs

  • Benign & malignant conditions of vulva & vagina
  • Benign, precancerous & malignant conditions of the cervix
  • Benign and malignant conditions of the uterus
  • Benign and malignant tumors of the ovary


  • Causes, investigation, and management of both male and female partners
  • Assisted reproductive techniques
  • Concepts of medical biotechnology in relation to Obstetrics


Importance Counselling Classification, mechanism of action, advantages, disadvantages, complications of all methods particularly sterilization and MR & MRM


  • Definition, physiological basis, changes in different organs of the body, clinical features of menopausal syndrome, principles of management
  • Post-menopausal bleeding
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Diagnostic Technique

  • Cervical smear
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Colposcopy
  • Ultrasonography
  • CT scan
  • MRI

Principles of common gynecological operations

  • MVA
  • D&C
  • E&C
  • suction evacuation
  • hysterectomy

Additional Contents


  • Developmental structure of placenta
  • Antenatal Foetal screening
  • Mechanism of onset of normal labor (theories)
  • Labor analgesia
  • Thromboembolism
  • Other hypertensive disorders
  • Pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in detail
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Nephritis and renal failure in obstetrics
  • Treatment of Rh incompatibility
  • Management of IUGR
  • Management of inversion of the uterus
  • Post-partum and post-MR contraception
  • Diagnostic aids in obstetrics
  • Ultrasonography
  • Foetal monitoring-CTG
  • Amniocentesis, CVS, MSAFP
  • X-ray


  • Management of endometriosis – recent advances
  • Assisted reproductive techniques
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Diagnostic techniques
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Colposcopy
  • Ultrasonography
  • Hormonal disorders in gynecology
  • STDs