Marks distribution: Total marks – 300

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written MCQ (50% Multiple True and False (MTF) + 50% Single Best Answer (SBA)) 20 100
25% Structured Essay Question & 75% Short Answer Question 70
Formative Assessment (FA) 10
SOE Structured Oral Examination 100 100
Practical Conventional Practical / OSPE, RFST including Survey Report, Study Tour Report, and Report on Day Visit 100 100
Grand Total 300

Related Equipment

Weighing machine, Sakip’s tape/Measuring tape, Growth chart, Specimen and model, Posters and diagrams, Laboratory equipment (to be procured)


Concept of Public Health, Community Medicine, Health and Disease


  • Concept of Public Health and Community Medicine
  • Concept of Health and Disease
  • Common Health and Social Problems
  • Health Team Concept
  • Changing Concepts of Public Health and Health
  • Natural history of disease
  • Indicators and Determinants of Health
  • Prevention and Intervention of Diseases
  • Characteristics of Ideal Health Care


Behavioral Science


Concept of

  • Behavior
  • Behavioral science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Society, Family, Culture
  • Motive and Motivation
  • Leadership personality and IQ
  • perception, cognition, learning, motivation, emotion, attitude


Health Communication & Health Education


Health Communications

  • Definition of communication
  • Classification of communication
  • Functions of communication
  • Elements of communication
  • Barriers of communication
  • Media and methods of communication

Health Education

  • Definition of health education
  • Objectives
  • Contents
  • Principles
  • Approaches
  • Stages of adoption of a new idea


Medical Entomology

  • Classification of Arthropods of medical importance
  • Lifecycle of mosquito, sand fly
  • Arthropod-borne diseases
  • Principles of Vector/Arthropod control measures
  • Insecticides


Research Methodology and Biostatistics

  • definition of research
  • importance of research
  • types of research design
  • development and stapes of the research protocol
  • formulation of research objectives general and specific
  • perpetration of the research questionnaire
  • different methods of data collection
  • definition and difference of population and sample
  • calculation of sample size
  • types of sampling
  • preparation of report writing



  • Introduction to Bio-statistics
  • Uses of Bio-statistics
  • Vital statistics
  • Data and Variable
  • Methods and Tools of data collection
  • Interpretation of data
  • Analysis and Presentation of data
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Measures of dispersion
  • Normal distribution curve
  • Health economics


Environment & Health

  • Environment and its components
  • Climate change and global warming


  • Safe and wholesome water
  • Sources, uses, and requirements of water
  • Water impurities
  • Principles and methods of purification of water
  • Water quality standards for drinking water Water borne diseases

Air and ventilation

  • Composition of air
  • Air pollutants and their sources
  • Indicators of air pollution
  • Effects of air pollution on health
  • Methods of prevention and control of air pollution
  • Ventilation
  • Climate change and greenhouse effect


  • Criteria of good lighting
  • Measurements of light
  • Effect of improper lighting on health


  • Sources and properties of noise
  • Acceptable noise levels
  • Effects of noise exposure
  • Control measures of noise


  • Sources and types of radiation
  • Effects of radiation on health
  • Measures of radiation protection


  • Criteria of healthful housing
  • Housing standards
  • Effects of poor housing

Disposal of solid waste

  • Solid waste and its sources
  • Methods of disposal and medical biotechnology
  • Health hazards of solid wastes

Excreta disposal

  • Methods of excreta disposal
  • Sanitation barrier
  • Diseases borne by human excreta


Immunity, Immunization


  • Immunization
  • Immunizing agents
  • Immunization schedule (EPI schedule)
  • Adverse Events Following Immunization
  • Herd immunity
  • EPI and NID
  • Cold chain
  • Left out and drop out


Public Health Nutrition

  • Types of foods and their sources
  • Balanced diet
  • Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
  • Impotent Vitamins and their deficiency diseases
  • deficiency disorder of Important Minerals and trace elements
  • Assessment of nutritional status
  • Calorie requirements of different groups
  • Foodborne, milk-borne diseases, and food toxins
  • Pasteurization
  • Food adulteration, additives, and fortification
  • Humanization of cow’s milk


Principles of Epidemiology

  • Classification of epidemiological studies
  • Description of descriptive and analytical studies Characteristics of
  • Experimental studies Different between cross-sectional and longitudinal; cohort and case-control studies
  • Steps of investigations of an epidemic outbreak
  • Definition, classification, types and uses of screening specificity Sensitivity, validity, reliability
  • Source and reservoir
  • Modes of transmission of diseases
  • interruption of modes of disease transmission
  • Criteria of a susceptible host
  • Definition and explanation of community diagnosis and community treatment


Epidemiology of Communicable and non-communicable Diseases (NCDs)


  • Definition and difference between CD and NCD
    Epidemiology and Prevention of

  • EPI diseases
  • Diarrheal diseases and Enteric fever
  • Malaria, Kala-azar, Filaria, Helminthiasis
  • TB and Leprosy
  • Viral hepatitis, Dengue, ARI, SARS (COVID-19), Bird flu, Rabies, Yellow fever
  • AST STDs
  • Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases

Epidemiology and Prevention of common non-communicable diseases

  • Hypertension, IHD
  • CVD (Stroke)
  • Rheumatic fever and RHD
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Arsenic


MCH-FP & Demography


  • IMR, MMR
  • High-risk mothers and at-risk child
  • Care of under-5 children, LBW
  • Antenatal, intranasal, and postnatal care, advice, and investigations
  • Concept, mention the recommended feeding practices in IYCF
  • Advantages and contraindications of BF
  • Disadvantages of formula feeding
  • Importance of colostrum
  • What is Complementary Feeding (CF) and its importance
  • Domiciliary and institutional delivery
  • EMONC: Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care

Family planning

  • Concept of family planning
  • Aims and objectives of family planning
  • Contraceptive methods (OCP, ECP)
  • MR with use of medication (MRM) and difference with emergency contraceptive
    pills · PPFP and post-abortion /MR/MRM family planning
  • LAM-lactational amenorrhea method
  • Eligible and target couples, safe period
  • CPR, TFR, unmet need discontinuation rate
  • MCH-based family planning


  • Definition of demography
  • Demographic processes
  • Demographic transition and indices
  • Population pyramid
  • Census
  • Fertility and its influencing factors


School Health Services


  • Objectives of School Health Service
  • Aspects/components of school health service
  • The task of the school health medical officer
  • Common Health problems of school children
  • School health emergencies
  • School health clinic
  • Helpful school health environment
  • Different types of school desks and their importance


Occupational Health

  • Occupational health and its objectives
  • Occupational environment
  • Occupational health hazards
  • Principles of prevention of occupational diseases
  • Employees’ benefits


Health For All (HFA), Primary Health Care (PHC), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) & MDG, SDG

  • Definition: HFA and PHC, UHC
  • Principles and components of PHC
  • Health-related MDG and SDG
  • Components of ESP
  • Name and Activities of important existing national health programs
  • Organizational structure for the delivery of PHC
  • Goal and indicators of HFA by the year 2000 AD
  • Levels of health care service delivery
  • Concept, purpose and scope, evolution and diseases under IHR-2005
  • Important National organizations
  • Important International health organizations: WHO, UNICEF, RED CRESCENT, ICCDRB, CARE, etc.

Public Health Administration & Management

  • Definition, Functions, Principles of Management and Administration
  • Definition, Indication and Process of Planning and Planning Cycle
  • Health Care Delivery System of Bangladesh
  • Organizational Structure of Health Care Delivery in Bangladesh including reporting, supervision, and monitoring
  • Health Care Referral System in Bangladesh
  • Charter of duties of different health personnel