Marks distribution: Total marks – 300

Category Details Marks Total Marks
Written MCQ (Single Best Answer + Multiple True or False) 20 100
Structured Essay Question & Short Answer Question 70
Formative Assessment (FA) 10
SOE Structured Oral Examination 100 100
Practical & OSPE Practical and Objective structured practical Exam 100 100
Grand Total 300



Learning Objectives and Course Contents in Pathology

Term I A- General Pathology, Hematolymphoid System (Term-1A)


Introduction to pathology


  • Introduction to different branches of pathology
  • Definition, etiology, morphology, and pathogenesis

Cell injury


Cause of cell injury

  • Reversible and irreversible injury: mechanism
  • Mechanism of hypoxic injury
  • Name of the free radical, target of the free radical and scavenging system (name of the anti-oxidant), the
    definition of reperfusion injury
  • Definition of necrosis and apoptosis, types of necrosis, and morphologic features with examples
  • Mechanism of free radical injury and reperfusion injury, apoptosis
  • Consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of calcium homeostasis

Pigments and calcification


  • Pathological calcification- dystrophic and metastatic: definitions with examples
  • Different intracellular pigmentation particularly their name


Mechanism of calcification

Acute Inflammation


  • Causes and cardinal signs or features of acute inflammation
  • Vascular and cellular events Chemical mediators and their function
  • Morphological patterns of acute inflammation
  • The outcome of acute inflammation
  • Local and systemic effects of acute inflammation


  • Recruitment of leukocytes
  • Role of complement, coagulation, and kinin system
  • Mechanism of neutrophil recruitment
  • Recognition of microbes and dead tissue
  • Defects in leukocyte function
  • How the chemical mediator works

Chronic inflammation


  • Cause
  • Difference with acute inflammation
  • Role of macrophage
  • Examples of granulomatous lesions
  • Type of granuloma
  • Mechanism of granuloma

Additional- Giant cells

Repair and healing


  • Definition of healing, repair, and regeneration
  • Steps of cutaneous wound healing
  • Factors influencing wound healing
  • Complications of wound healing
  • Fracture healing
  • Nerve regeneration


  • Stem cell
  • Growth cycle
  • Extracellular matrix

Edema and electrolyte disorder


  • Pathophysiology of edema
  • Mechanism of edema in cirrhosis, renal disease, and heart failure
  • Examination of body fluids such as pleural effusion, ascitic fluid
  • Electrolyte disorder: causes of metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis

Hyperemia, congestion and hemorrhage and Shock


  • Definition of hyperemia, congestion, and hemorrhage
  • Cause of passive Congestion in lung and liver
  • Shock: type, the pathogenesis of septic shock, stages


  • Morphology of passive congestion in lung and liver
  • Mechanism of compensation in shock

Thrombosis and embolism


  • Mechanism of thrombosis
  • the fate of thrombus
  • Clinical consequence of venous thrombosis, arterial and cardiac thrombosis
  • DIC

Embolism and infarction


  • Definition of embolism
  • Pulmonary embolism: source and consequence
  • Systemic thromboembolism: source and consequence
  • Air embolism, fat embolism, amniotic fluid embolism: source and consequence
  • Infarct: definition, types, factors influencing the formation of infarct

Growth disturbance and adaptive change


  • Adaptive change
  • Definitions and examples of atrophy, metaplasia, hypertrophy, hyperplasia


Mechanism of the adaptive changes



  • Definition and characteristics of neoplasia
  • Nomenclature
  • Features of benign and malignant tumor
  • Spread of tumor
  • Genetic predisposition to cancer
  • Example of a proto-oncogene, a cancer suppressor gene
  • Precancerous conditions


  • Molecular basis of cancer



  • Chemical carcinogen: classification
  • Tumor: initiation and promotion
  • Microbiologlogical carcinogen: name and the cancer associated with them
  • Name of the radiant energy and the cancer associated with them


Mechanism of the carcinogenesis of the viruses and radiant energy particularly of HPV and EBV H pylori

Tumor immunity and clinical aspects of neoplasia and laboratory diagnosis of tumor


  • Tumor antigen
  • Antitumor mechanism
  • Immune surveillance
  • Cancer cachexia
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome
  • Grading and staging of tumor: basis and their use
  • Laboratory diagnosis: role of FNAC, cytological examination, pap smear, frozen
    section and immunohistochemistry


  • Mechanism of immune surveillance
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome
  • Molecular diagnosis of cancer



  • Basic definitions, mutation, type
  • Classification of genetic disease
  • Mendelian disorder: characteristics and examples
  • Features of Down syndrome, turner syndrome Klinefelter syndrome, and hermaphrodite
  • Name of the tools for diagnosis of genetic disease karyotype, FISH, PCR


  • Biochemical and molecular basis of single gene disorder, lysosomal storage disease
  • Single gene disorder non-classical inheritance
  • Indications of prenatal diagnosis



  • Name of immune deficiency diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases: name of the organ-specific autoimmune diseases and the basic pathogenesis (name of the
  • Name of the diagnostic tools

Infectious Disease


  • Lesions produced by tuberculosis, leprosy, and syphilis
  • Name of the diagnostic tools

Nutritional disorders


  • Bone changes in deficiency states
  • Features of vitamin A, Vit B12, and folic acid deficiency


  • Iron metabolism
  • Vitamin A and D metabolism
  • Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency mechanism

Environmental diseases and hazards


  • Diseases associated with smoking, arsenicosis, radiation hazard


Term-1B – General Pathology, Hematolymphoid System (Term-1B)



  • Causes of lymphadenopathy, Outline of classification of NHL
  • Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas: Classification, morphology


  • Immune diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Burkitt lymphoma: morphology
  • Follicular lymphoma: morphology
  • Causes of splenomegaly



  • Hematopoiesis, different stages of RBC and WBC
  • Causes of Leukocytosis, leucopenia, eosinophilia, monocytosis and thrombocytopenia
  • Anemia: morphological and etiological classification
  • Lab. diagnosis of nutritional anemia, iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia
  • Hemolytic anemia: classification
  • Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia: lab diagnosis
  • Aplastic anemia: etiology and lab diagnosis
  • PNH, AIHA, Coombs test
  • Classification of bleeding disorder
  • ITP: causes and lab diagnosis
  • Hemophilia: causes and lab. investigation
  • Leukemia: classification and lab diagnosis
  • CGL
  • Multiple myeloma: lab. Diagnosis


  • Constituents of blood and bone marrow
  • Polycythemia

Blood Group and blood transfusion


  • Blood transfusion: grouping and cross matching, transfusion reaction, blood transmissible disease, Rh incompatibility, Blood transfusion products


Term-2A – Systemic Pathology (Term-2A)

Blood vessels


  • Name of different vasculitis, and vascular tumors


  • Define arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, aneurysm and dissection,
  • Risk factors of atherosclerosis, site of involvement, and complications
  • Lipid profile

Additional: Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis


Must know

  • Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction: pathogenesis, morphological features, and biochemical
    indicators, complications
  • Rheumatic fever: pathogenesis, morphology and complications
  • Infective endocarditis: pathogenesis, morphology and complications
  • Causes of myocarditis, pericarditis


Names of congenital heart disease

Respiratory System


  • Cause of Pulmonary edema
  • Define: ARDS, obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumoconiosis
  • Morphology of obstructive airway disease
  • Pathogenesis and morphology of Pneumonia
  • Lung abscess: pathogenesis and morphology
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis: pathogenesis, morphology, fate
  • Cause of pleural effusion
  • Classification of lung tumor


  • Congenital anomalies
  • Pathogenesis of obstructive airway disease, name of the granulomatous lesion of the lung
  • The defense mechanism of lung
  • Definition of restrictive disease
  • Morphology and clinical effect of lung tumor



  • Leukoplakia, the name of the carcinoma of the oral cavity
  • Salivary gland tumor, morphology of pleomorphic adenoma
  • Oesophagus: causes of oesophagitis, Barretts oesophagus
  • Congenital anomalies of GIT – morphology of Hirschprung disease and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  • PUD: pathogenesis, morphology, complications
  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome, difference between crohns and ulcerative colitis
  • Tumors of stomach
  • Gastric cancer: morphology and etiopathogenesis
  • Acute appendicitis: Morphology
  • Ca colon: morphology and etiopathogenesis
  • Name of the different polyps of GIT


  • Pathogenesis of IBD
  • Diverticulosis
  • Infarction
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis
  • Ulcerative lesion of GIT

Term-2B – Systemic Pathology (Term-2B)

Hepatobiliary system


  • Liver function tests & their interpretation
  • Jaundice: types, differences
  • Hepatitis: cause, morphology
  • Cirrhosis: etiology, pathogenesis, morphology and complication
  • Portal hypertension and hepatic failure: feature
  • Liver abscess: morphological features
  • Tumor of the liver: types
  • Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis: etiology, pathogenesis


  • Neonatal jaundice
  • Diseases of the exocrine pancreas
  • Hepatic Cysts

Term-2B – Systemic Pathology (Term-2B )

Renal system


  • Classification of renal disease and its clinical Manifestation
  • Renal function tests including examination of urine
  • Immune basis of glomerulonephritis
  • Classification of glomerulonephritis
  • Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis: etiopathogenesis, morphology, complications
  • Nephrotic syndrome: definition, causes
  • Pyelonephritis: etiopathogenesis, morphology and complications
  • Renal tumor: different types
  • Renal cell carcinoma
  • Urinary bladder tumor: different types


  • Congenital disease of the kidney
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Urolithiasis: Types
  • Morphology of renal cell carcinoma
  • Morphology of different types of cystitis

Male genital system


  • Prostate: causes of prostatitis
  • An etiopathogenesis and morphology of nodular hyperplasia
  • Role of PSA in prostatic carcinoma


  • Undescended testis: Importance
  • Inflammatory diseases of testis
  • Testicular tumor: classification and clinical outcome
  • Morphology of seminoma, yolk sac tumor, and embryonal carcinoma
  • Tumor markers for testicular tumors
  • Semen analysis

Female genital system


  • Causes of cervicitis, salpingitis
  • Risk factors of cervical cancer
  • Role of human papillomavirus –screening for cervical cancer
  • Different histological types of cervical cancer
  • Endometriosis: possible mechanism, sites, and effect of endometriosis
  • Common tumor of the corpus of the uterus: morphology of leiomyoma
  • Endometrial hyperplasia: different types, their morphology and importance
  • Classification of ovarian tumor and role of tumor marker
  • Morphology of teratoma, dysgerminoma, choriocarcinoma and the different surface epithelial tumors, Krukenberg tumor
  • Hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma: predisposing factors, morphology, and diagnosis
  • Pregnancy test



  • Name of the different inflammatory diseases of the breast, cause of lump of breast
  • Fibrocystic disease: different types and their importance
  • Classification of breast tumor
  • Breast carcinoma: risk factors and the prognostic factors
  • Screening of breast carcinoma

Endocrine system—thyroid and endocrine pancreas diabetes mellitus


  • Causes of goiter, name of the different autoimmune diseases of the thyroid
  • Thyroiditis: types and morphology
  • Different types of thyroid tumors, their morphology, and prognosis
  • Diabetes mellitus: different types, pathogenesis, and complications
  • Estimation of blood sugar
  • Glucose tolerance test and its interpretation


  • Mechanism of ketoacidosis




  • Terms used in dermatology
  • Cause of bullous lesions
  • Name of premalignant and malignant lesions of the skin
  • Basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma: morphology



  • Indications of Examination of CSF and the findings in different types of meningitis
  • Name of the CNS tumor


  • Changes in cerebral infarction

Bone, soft tissue, eye, and ENT


  • Soft tissue tumor: names
  • Bone tumor: names and their histogenesis
  • Aetiopathogenesis: an etiopathogenesis, morphology
  • Name of the tumors of the eye and nasal cavity


  • Morphology of retinoblastoma, giant cell tumor of bone, Ewings sarcoma